The fields of business we work on require an interdisciplinary approach and a lot of experience on subjects such as vibration phenomena, stability and calculation of design details from us. This experience also helps us tackle difficult problems in general civil engineering. We are not only a strong partner in the design and approval planning, but also in the assessment on non-conformities and overhauls and upgrades of buildings.
Through our cooperation with universities and our own research efforts, we could gather a lot of theoretical and practical experience especially in the field of shell buckling and use this knowledge to the advantage of our customers. Using appropriate calculation methods, which we continuously develop further, we can provide all required evaluations cost-effectively or go into any level of detail, if necessary. Finally, our International Welding Engineers help us to translate our theoretical know-how into real world applications.
What benefits do we offer you?
- design and approval planning of buildings, especially steel and concrete construction
- broad and deep know-how in contemporary calculation methods
- experience in evaluating complex problems in structures susceptible to vibration

Steel Construction
Knowing steel
In the field of civil engineering, we perform static and dynamic analyses of steel constructions of any kind, including the overall planning as well as all design details such as welded or bolted joints. We are concerned with new buildings as well as existing building that have to be overhauled or upgraded for new situations. We also perform in-situ inspections to get an impression of the construction or examine it for damage such as cracks.
Depending on the complexity of the problem at hand we can choose from a broad spectrum of analytical and numerical methods to investigate the bearing strength, serviceability and fatigue strength. Our International Welding Engineers help us in performing these tasks. We find the special problems occurring in thin-walled and slender structures especially exciting, as we know these well from wind energy applications. These problems entail gust- or vortex-induced vibrations, ovalling or plate and shell buckling. With our long-standing experience in these fields, we find reliable solutions for our customers in any other field of application as well.
What benefits do we offer you?
- static and dynamic analysis of steel constructions regarding bearing strength (ULS), serviceability (SLS) and fatigue strength (FLS)
- certifiable calculation and documentation according to recognized standards (Eurocodes) assessment of non-conformities and damage, overhaul of buildings
- broad know-how in the application of different calculation methods

Solutions design for vortex-induced vibrations on smokestacks

Investigation of weld cracks on smokestack

Measuing flange imperfections

Steel Tanks
Thin-skinned but strong
Steel tanks for biogas plants compete with concrete tanks and are subject to enormous cost pressure. We know that steel tanks remain an attractive alternative but we cannot waste a gram of material in the design. In the design, stability is the governing factor.
Shell buckling is one of our favorite topics, as we also encounter it in our other fields of business. It is our strong academic background regarding this topic and a lot of experience coming from different problems to solve that allow us to tackle the challenges in the steel tank design with state-of-the-art analysis methods.
What benefits do we offer you?
- design of steel tanks, e. g. for biogas plants
- optimized design by use of modern analysis methods for shell buckling
- we bring the design securely through certification

Biogas steel tank in the field

Buckling analysis of a steel tank